About the Author
Anton Sokolin
Anton Sokolin is the data correspondent at NK News. He previously worked at Reuters, TASS and the Korea Trade Promotion Corporation (KOTRA).
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Features How Ukraine pulled off risky missions to capture North Korean soldiers in KurskFirst-hand accounts present DPRK troops as willing to go to extreme lengths to avoid being taken prisoner ![]() One of the soldiers clung to a grenade as Ukrainian forces closed in, apparently acting on orders to take out as many enemies as possible in his final moments. Another flung his head into a concrete pole when paratroops attempted to take him captive, either in an attempt to kill himself or as a tactic to escape. Over the last week, Ukrainian troops have shared first-person accounts of operations that captured two North Korean soldiers, presenting Russia and the DPRK as willing to do whatever it takes to prevent them from falling into Kyiv’s hands. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |