South Korea’s only defector lawmaker says he opposes Yoon’s impeachment | NK News
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February 22, 2025

South Korea’s only defector lawmaker says he opposes Yoon’s impeachment

In interview, North Korean escapee Park Choong-kwon criticizes martial law but says impeachment sets bad precedent

The only North Korean defector currently serving in South Korea’s parliament says he opposes impeaching Yoon Suk-yeol for declaring martial law earlier this week, despite criticizing the president’s unprecedented decree as “lacking legitimacy.”

In an interview on Friday afternoon, People Power Party (PPP) lawmaker Park Choong-kwon told NK News that impeaching Yoon would build on the “bad precedent” set by former President Park Geun-hye’s impeachment and lead to a “repeated pattern” of the opposition Democratic Party “paralyzing” national affairs.

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