Five years after Hanoi, Trump’s still keen on a nuclear deal with North Korea | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Five years after Hanoi, Trump’s still keen on a nuclear deal with North Korea

Former president seems determined to rekindle friendship with Kim Jong Un, and he could make enticing offer if reelected

Wednesday marks the fifth anniversary of the collapse of the U.S.-North Korea summit in Hanoi, but while that failure has overshadowed bilateral ties in recent years, Republican frontrunner and former president Donald Trump could still pick up where he left off in nuclear talks with Kim Jong Un if he wins back the White House on Nov. 5.

The DPRK leader can bitterly recall when he took a dayslong train journey through Vietnam and China back to Pyongyang empty-handed after Trump abruptly called off the much-hyped summit early on Feb. 28, 2019.

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