About the Authors
Anton Sokolin
Anton Sokolin is the data correspondent at NK News. He previously worked at Reuters, TASS and the Korea Trade Promotion Corporation (KOTRA).
Joe Smith
Joe Smith was formerly a news trainee at NK News.
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News DPRK top diplomat and Chinese vice foreign minister vow to bolster ties in 2024Chinese delegation visits DPRK as Beijing and Pyongyang celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations North Korean foreign minister Choe Son Hui held talks with Chinese vice foreign minister Sun Weidong on Friday, whose delegation is visiting the DPRK as Beijing and Pyongyang gear up to mark the 75th anniversary of their bilateral relations this year. The two officials expressed their willingness "to further strengthen tactical cooperation and mutual assistance in safeguarding common interests of the DPRK and China, marking the Year of Sino-DPRK friendship,” the North Korean party daily Rodong Sinmun reported on Saturday. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |