Travis King in ‘reintegration program’ in US after North Korea release: Pentagon | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Travis King in ‘reintegration program’ in US after North Korea release: Pentagon

Washington defers talk of punishment and says priority remains King’s mental and physical health and reunion with family

U.S. soldier Travis King is undergoing a “reintegration program” at a medical facility in Texas after his release from a two-month detention in North Korea, the Pentagon announced Thursday, while declining to comment on what punishment he’ll face.

North Korean media reported Wednesday that it would “expel” the 23-year-old U.S. Army private for “illegally entering” the country in July. King then made his way home via China and South Korea and eventually landed in San Antonio in the early hours of Thursday morning (U.S. time), Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said in a press release.

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