Yoon oversees final ‘annihilation’ drill on repelling North Korean invasion | NK News
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Yoon oversees final ‘annihilation’ drill on repelling North Korean invasion

US, ROK conclude largest-ever live-fire exercises, hours after Yoon vows ‘overwhelming’ response to DPRK ‘provocations'

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol oversaw the grand finale of live-fire “annihilation” exercises with the U.S. on Thursday, hours after pledging to “overwhelmingly” respond to North Korean aggression without “a moment's hesitation.”

The field training and live-fire drill featured some 2,500 soldiers and “610 state-of-the-art weapons” and was modeled on a scenario of repelling DPRK invasion and conducting a counterattack, according to the presidential office.

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