South Korean gets 3 years in prison for ‘lobbying’ North Korea with over $450K | NK News
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South Korean gets 3 years in prison for ‘lobbying’ North Korea with over $450K

Court says An Bu-soo sent money to Pyongyang in effort to bring DPRK beer and cold noodles to South

A South Korean court has found an ROK national guilty of collaborating with a high-profile businessman to illegally send money to North Korea and embezzle government and donor funds, sentencing the man to more than three years in prison.

An Bu-soo, chairman of the Asia-Pacific Peace Exchange Association (APIA), was indicted earlier this year on charges of conspiring with former Ssangbangwool (SBW) Group Chairman Kim Sung-tae to send hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DPRK.

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