About the Author
Ifang Bremer
Ifang Bremer is a Seoul Correspondent at NK News. He has worked on investigations for The Guardian and The Observer and previously wrote features on Korea for Dutch newspaper NRC.
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News Seoul voices ‘deep regret’ over North Korea’s election to WHO executive boardSouth Korea says DPRK’s sanctions violations call into question its fitness to contribute to global health on the board ![]() South Korea has expressed “deep regret” over North Korea’s election to serve on the executive board of the World Health Organization (WHO), citing Pyongyang’s flouting of global norms. Seoul’s criticism comes after the WHO’s General Committee drew up the list of ten countries last week to serve on its board, which included the DPRK. On Friday, members voted in favor of the ten countries at the WHO’s 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva. © Korea Risk Group. All rights reserved. |