Overshadowed, but not overlooked: What to expect on North Korea at the G7 summit | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Overshadowed, but not overlooked: What to expect on North Korea at the G7 summit

Hiroshima set to highlight dangers of nuclear war and potentially host US-South Korea-Japan trilateral meeting

While events surrounding Ukraine and Taiwan look set to dominate the upcoming Group of Seven (G-7) summit, the backdrop of host city Hiroshima and another potential U.S.-ROK-Japan trilateral meeting may mean more attention on North Korea than in previous years.

The Japanese city was the first target of an American atomic bomb attack in the last days of World War II in Aug. 1945, resulting in around 100,000 deaths (estimates vary widely). The location itself serves as a reminder of the horrors of nuclear war weeks after Moscow said it would move its tactical nukes closer to Ukraine and North Korea fires missiles over the very country holding the summit.

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