North Korea stirs anti-US frenzy with new posters, burns Biden and Yoon effigies | NK News
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February 02, 2025

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North Korea stirs anti-US frenzy with new posters, burns Biden and Yoon effigies

State media reports release of first anti-US and ROK propaganda posters in 5 years as Pyongyang denounces allies’ summit

North Korea has started widely displaying anti-U.S. and South Korea propaganda posters for the first time in five years, according to NK News analysis of state media, as authorities whip the population into a frenzy over perceived threats of attack following the allies’ recent summit.

State-organized rallies calling for “exterminating” the allies also took place in different cities throughout the week, state media reported, including one where young people burned effigies of the “war monster dotard” Joe Biden and “his special-class puppet traitor” Yoon Suk-yeol.

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