North Korean threats of war are nothing new. But not all of it is empty bluster. | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korean threats of war are nothing new. But not all of it is empty bluster.

Kim Yo Jong’s warning about a US ‘declaration of war’ is common in DPRK bombast and shouldn’t be taken at face value

North Korean state media has increased its venom in recent weeks, coinciding with U.S.-ROK drills and Seoul’s efforts to demonstrate that it is tough and ready to retaliate to any shows of force. Just looking at DPRK propaganda, one could be forgiven for thinking the peninsula is once again on the brink of war.

In the last month, Pyongyang has test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and carried out “fatal nuclear counterattack” drills against American and ROK forces, while threatening “violent physical conflict” against the allies if planned military exercises go ahead.

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