Washington and Seoul seek ‘preemptive’ action against North Korean cyberattacks | NK News
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March 01, 2025

Washington and Seoul seek ‘preemptive’ action against North Korean cyberattacks

Allies’ push to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation comes as Pyongyang racks up billions in stolen virtual currency

Senior U.S. and South Korean cybersecurity officials warned on Tuesday that North Korea’s cyber activities pose a “grave threat” to international peace and security and stressed the need for “preemptive” efforts to deter virtual attacks from Pyongyang. 

The call to action came from U.S. cybersecurity and digital policy ambassador Nathaniel Fick and the ROK ambassador for international security Cho Hyun-woo after they met in Seoul to discuss ways to strengthen cybersecurity cooperation, the foreign ministry said in a press release on Wednesday. The face-to-face follows the allies’ Sixth ROK-U.S. Cyber ​​Policy Consultation in Dec. 2022. 

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