North Korea rolled out new propaganda posters over the weekend designed to “arouse all people to implement” the ruling party’s new year economic goals, according to state media, after kicking off a campaign to study the goals at a massive rally for 100,000 Pyongyang residents.
The 14 new posters and slogans clarify for the first time otherwise vague and brief mentions about a list of “12 goals for the development of the national economy” unveiled at the end-of-year party plenum, revealing a familiar emphasis on key sectors like agriculture, fertilizer and fishing.
North Korea rolled out new propaganda posters over the weekend designed to “arouse all people to implement” the ruling party’s new year economic goals, according to state media, after kicking off a campaign to study the goals at a massive rally for 100,000 Pyongyang residents.
The 14 new posters and slogans clarify for the first time otherwise vague and brief mentions about a list of “12 goals for the development of the national economy” unveiled at the end-of-year party plenum, revealing a familiar emphasis on key sectors like agriculture, fertilizer and fishing.
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