Kim and daughter meet ICBM launch teams as nukes declared ‘irreversible’ | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Kim and daughter meet ICBM launch teams as nukes declared ‘irreversible’

North Korea declares itself ‘full-fledged nuclear power’ capable of taking on US as Nov. 18 launch celebrations continue

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his daughter took group photos with soldiers, scientists and other contributors to this month’s Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch, state media reported Sunday, declaring the missile system’s development complete.

Pyongyang also awarded the missile’s launch vehicle with the “DPRK Hero” and other awards. Kim promoted over a hundred military officials as well, including making his top two men who have overseen long-range missile development — Kim Jong Sik and Jang Chang Ha — four-star generals, according to the Rodong Sinmun.

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