Yoon decries North Korean sympathizers in ROK, sparking dispute over red-baiting | NK News
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February 22, 2025

Yoon decries North Korean sympathizers in ROK, sparking dispute over red-baiting

South Korean leader says pro-DPRK faction ‘impossible to work with’ but denies he was referring to opposition party

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has said it is “impossible to work with” those who support North Korea or are sympathetic to its political system, describing them as national security threats and drawing the ire of opponents who claim he’s red-baiting for political gain.

The remarks came during a luncheon with conservative People Power Party (PPP) lawmakers on Wednesday in response to encouragement that Seoul stand up to North Korea sympathizers amid DPRK “provocations,” the president’s office said in a press statement.

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