Koreas trade warning shots after DPRK ship allegedly ‘intrudes’ over sea border | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Koreas trade warning shots after DPRK ship allegedly ‘intrudes’ over sea border

Seoul says merchant vessel crossed early Monday, as North Korea calls ROK claim ‘pretext’ to send ship over border

North and South Korea fired warning shots at each other’s ships early Monday and accused each other of unwarranted incursions of the maritime demarcation line in the Yellow Sea, according to statements released by each side’s militaries. 

A North Korean merchant ship named the Mupho-ho started the latest spat by “intruding” over the Northern Limit Line (NLL) around 16 miles (27 km) northwest of South Korea's Baengnyeong Island at 3:42 a.m. KST, Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said in a statement.

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