Claims US provoked North Korean missile launches are ‘baloney’: State Department | NK News
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February 24, 2025

Claims US provoked North Korean missile launches are ‘baloney’: State Department

Spokesman accuses Russia and China of ‘parroting’ false claim to block criticism of DPRK at UN Security Council

Accusations by North Korea, Russia and China that U.S.-led military exercises provoked Pyongyang into launching ballistic missiles in response are “baloney,” a State Department spokesperson said Monday.

“I think you saw last week when there was a U.N. Security Council (UNSC) hearing on this — you saw the PRC and Russia and other countries parrot this false claim that U.S. provocations were the origination of these ballistic missile launches,” spokesperson Vedant Patel said at a press briefing. “That's baloney and absolutely not the case.”

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