The North Korean Embassy in Berlin has reached out to the EU’s diplomatic service about meeting in Brussels next month, informed sources told NK News, in what would be the DPRK’s first in-person meeting with the European External Action Service (EEAS) since the pandemic began.
It’s unclear what the DPRK side wants to discuss with the EEAS or when exactly a meeting might take place. EEAS’s public schedule for October did not list any Korea-related events as of Friday.
The North Korean Embassy in Berlin has reached out to the EU’s diplomatic service about meeting in Brussels next month, informed sources told NK News, in what would be the DPRK’s first in-person meeting with the European External Action Service (EEAS) since the pandemic began.
It’s unclear what the DPRK side wants to discuss with the EEAS or when exactly a meeting might take place. EEAS’s public schedule for October did not list any Korea-related events as of Friday.
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