‘We hate Yoon’: Kim Yo Jong slams Seoul’s plan to denuclearize North Korea | NK News
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February 24, 2025

‘We hate Yoon’: Kim Yo Jong slams Seoul’s plan to denuclearize North Korea

DPRK leader’s sister rejects all future offers and says South Korea ‘scared’ of the missile tested Wednesday

The North Korean leader’s sister Kim Yo Jong rejected Seoul’s “audacious plan” to provide economic assistance in exchange for denuclearization, telling South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol to “keep his mouth shut” in a statement released in state media Friday.

Kim also accused Yoon of conducting “invasion war exercises” as Seoul and Washington prepare for large-scale joint military drills this month, while ridiculing the South Korean and U.S. militaries for misidentifying the location of Wednesday’s missile test and failing to release details about its flight path. 

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