A Chinese businessman with big dreams for trade with the DPRK recently opened an exhibition for merchants looking to buy and sell North Korean products, a sign that he has had to scale back his ambitions after plans to establish a special economic zone in Sinuiju fell through due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The trader, whose North Korean passport lists his name as Ho Nyong, uploaded a video heralding the arrival of over a hundred new North Korean products into China last week on Chinese social media.
A Chinese businessman with big dreams for trade with the DPRK recently opened an exhibition for merchants looking to buy and sell North Korean products, a sign that he has had to scale back his ambitions after plans to establish a special economic zone in Sinuiju fell through due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The trader, whose North Korean passport lists his name as Ho Nyong, uploaded a video heralding the arrival of over a hundred new North Korean products into China last week on Chinese social media.
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