North Korea takes aim at G7 as it insists it has never recognized UN sanctions | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korea takes aim at G7 as it insists it has never recognized UN sanctions

DPRK’s foreign ministry warns ‘anti-DPRK pressure campaign’ will only accelerate its ‘self-defense measures’

North Korea slammed what it called a U.S.-led attempt at "overthrowing" the country's system on Monday, claiming it has "never recognized" U.N. Security Council (UNSC) resolutions after the council failed to pass new sanctions against the DPRK in response to multiple missile tests this year.

The criticism came in a report carried by the DPRK’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) that defended the country’s “self-defense capacities” and rejected the Group of Seven’s (G7) accusation that Pyongyang has violated UNSC resolutions.

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