Kim Jong Un stresses DPRK’s right to self-defense based on ‘power for power’ | NK News
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February 02, 2025

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Kim Jong Un stresses DPRK’s right to self-defense based on ‘power for power’

At party meeting, North Korean leader taps Choe Son Hui as foreign minister, Ri Son Gwon to lead inter-Korean affairs

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un stressed the principle of “power for power” as the basis for the country’s self-defense on Friday, delivering a closing speech at the end of a major three-day party meeting, according to state media.

The party plenum focused on economic policy and the DPRK’s ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, reviewing work done in the first half of the year and plans for the second half, the Rodong Sinmun newspaper reported on Saturday. A major leadership reshuffle at the meeting installed seasoned diplomat Choe Son Hui as foreign minister and put former foreign minister Ri Son Gwon in charge of inter-Korean affairs.

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