The U.N. Security Council (UNSC) failed to pass a U.S.-led resolution strengthening sanctions against North Korea on Thursday due to opposition from Russia and China, marking the latest in a string of failed attempts to rein in Pyongyang’s ever-advancing weapons programs.
The new measures would have created additional restrictions on the amount of refined petroleum North Korea can legally import per year from 500,000 to 375,000 barrels. It also would have blacklisted Lazarus Group, a hacking syndicate linked to the DPRK government responsible for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars for the regime.
The U.N. Security Council (UNSC) failed to pass a U.S.-led resolution strengthening sanctions against North Korea on Thursday due to opposition from Russia and China, marking the latest in a string of failed attempts to rein in Pyongyang’s ever-advancing weapons programs.
The new measures would have created additional restrictions on the amount of refined petroleum North Korea can legally import per year from 500,000 to 375,000 barrels. It also would have blacklisted Lazarus Group, a hacking syndicate linked to the DPRK government responsible for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars for the regime.
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