North Korea slams US tech ‘hegemony’ after latest crypto-related sanctions | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korea slams US tech ‘hegemony’ after latest crypto-related sanctions

Pyongyang says Washington ginning up an ‘anti-DPRK racket’ after Treasury sanctions cryptocurrency mixer Blender

The U.S. is orchestrating an “anti-DPRK racket” by exaggerating the scale of the country’s cyber operations, North Korea's foreign ministry claimed after Washington sanctioned a cryptocurrency mixer that helped Pyongyang pilfer millions of dollars.

The remarks from a researcher at North Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) came after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on a virtual currency mixer called Blender on Friday, claiming that the platform “enabled DPRK malicious cyber actors to mix illicit virtual currency with anonymous virtual currency to facilitate money laundering.”

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