China should play ‘constructive role’ bringing North Korea back to talks: Seoul | NK News
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February 23, 2025

China should play ‘constructive role’ bringing North Korea back to talks: Seoul

South Korea’s top nuclear envoy shares sentiments with Beijing’s Liu Xiaoming as activity ongoing at DPRK nuclear site

South Korea’s top nuclear envoy raised concerns about North Korea’s recent activity at its Punggye-ri nuclear testing site with his Chinese counterpart and urged Beijing to play a “constructive role” in bringing Pyongyang back to the dialogue table, Seoul’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

Noh Kyu-duk shared the sentiments with Liu Xiaoming, China’s Korea Peninsula policy representative, as Liu visits Seoul as part of what appears to be a diplomatic outreach campaign following North Korea’s missile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in March.

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