South Korean group receives exemption to ship briquette machines to North Korea | NK News
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February 05, 2025

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South Korean group receives exemption to ship briquette machines to North Korea

UN gives NGO one year to deliver coal briquette equipment to prevent water and food-borne disease in border area

A South Korean nongovernmental organization has received a sanctions exemption from the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) to ship coal briquette machines to North Korea, the U.N. website shows, marking the third exemption granted this year.

Coal Briquettes for Neighbors in Korea (CBNK) will have until April 5, 2023 to deliver the machine parts “for the prevention of water and food-borne diseases among vulnerable populations” in the east coast border area of Goseong county, according to the UNSC’s 1718 Sanctions Committee that oversees the North Korea sanctions regime.

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