North Korea debuts first new film in 5 years to fight ‘anti-party’ thought | NK News
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February 25, 2025

North Korea debuts first new film in 5 years to fight ‘anti-party’ thought

New movie tackles 1950s era anti-government ‘plot’ in order to teach lessons of defending ruling system

North Korea’s top film studio premiered the country’s first new feature-length film in over five years, according to state media, reportedly as part of efforts to suppress anti-government sentiment in the country.

The new film, titled "A Day and a Night" and produced by the Korean April 25 Film Studio, tells the story of “ordinary” female war veteran and army nurse Ra Myong Hui and her efforts to “expose the plot of the anti-party, counter-revolutionary factionalists despite threats to her life,” according to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

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