No obvious parade sounds in Pyongyang, but Kim Il Sung square illuminated | NK News
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February 04, 2025

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No obvious parade sounds in Pyongyang, but Kim Il Sung square illuminated

Absence of sound of low flying aircraft and fireworks means unclear if midnight format being used

The anticipated noise of aircraft and helicopters flying over the skies of Pyongyang -- as well as fireworks -- could not be heard as of 2 a.m. KST on Monday, an informed source told NK News, making it unclear if an anticipated midnight military parade took place.

A bright glow in the sky above Kim Il Sung square could however be seen, the source said, possibly due to stadium floodlights there being turned on. This may be an indicator that a parade was ongoing – the lights have been used extensively in nighttime parades since Oct. 2020 – but it could also have been related to further training.

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