North Korea to expand, modernize main space launch base: Kim Jong Un | NK News
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North Korea to expand, modernize main space launch base: Kim Jong Un

Report on DPRK leader's tour of spy satellite facilities comes as U.S. accuses Pyongyang of 'ICBM-platform' launches

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered the expansion and modernization of the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground as part of plans to launch a military spy satellite, state media reported Friday, a day after reporting his inspection of aerospace facilities in the capital.

The party-run Rodong Sinmun reported Kim's latest appearance just hours after the U.S. claimed that Pyongyang's apparent reconnaissance satellite tests involved an "ICBM-capable platform," referring to the massive Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile that was first unveiled at a military parade in late 2020.

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