US says it will ‘show commitment’ to allies in response to North Korean missiles | NK News
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February 24, 2025

US says it will ‘show commitment’ to allies in response to North Korean missiles

Washington may be considering additional sanctions after DPRK test-fired most powerful weapon since 2017, expert says

The U.S. will take steps to show its commitment to its allies and maintain security on and around the Korean Peninsula, a senior Biden administration official has said, as the White House weighs its response to North Korea’s test of its longest-range missile since 2017. 

The official's remarks came as U.S. Special Representative for the DPRK Sung Kim held calls with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts on Jan. 29 and 30, with Kim reiterating the U.S. "commitment to the defense" of the two allies, according to a State Department readout. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also held talks Wednesday with his Japanese counterpart about the latest missile launch, Tokyo's foreign ministry said.

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