Experts fear repercussions from ongoing cyberattacks against North Korean IT | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Experts fear repercussions from ongoing cyberattacks against North Korean IT

Critics say disruptions may interfere with cyber operations against DPRK and reduce North Korean access to foreign media

A new wave of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks took down a wide range of North Korean web servers on Friday, as experts warned that the campaign may disrupt existing cyber operations against Pyongyang and prevent North Koreans from downloading foreign entertainment.

“If these DDoS attacks cause the North Koreans to take more extensive cybersecurity measures that inadvertently neutralize or downgrade other cyber activities against North Korea, then the net outcome could be negative,” said Dan Pinkston, an expert on North Korean cyber threats and lecturer on cyberwarfare at Troy University in South Korea.

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