Yoon Suk-yeol doubles down on preemptive strike to stop North Korean attack | NK News
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February 28, 2025

Yoon Suk-yeol doubles down on preemptive strike to stop North Korean attack

Conservative presidential candidate says North Korea the ‘main enemy’ as opponents accuse him of anti-communist populism

Yoon Suk-yeol has doubled down on his controversial advocacy for a preemptive strike against North Korean nuclear missile attacks, pledging that South Korea would have the hardware and capacity to carry out such a mission if he is elected president in March.

The statement, posted on Yoon’s official Facebook account, came just hours after the South Korean military detected its fourth missile test in less than two weeks: two short-range, likely ballistic missiles. North Korea has also tested three alleged hypersonic missiles since Sept. 2021.

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