Prominent defector indicted for violating South Korea’s contentious leaflet ban | NK News
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February 23, 2025

Prominent defector indicted for violating South Korea’s contentious leaflet ban

Activist Park Sang-hak faces prison time if convicted for launching leaflets toward North Korea

South Korean prosecutors have indicted a prominent defector-activist on charges of attempting to launch thousands of propaganda leaflets toward North Korea last year, court documents showed on Friday, the first such indictment under a controversial “anti-leaflet” law passed in Dec. 2020.

Park Sang-hak faces up to three years in prison or a fine up to about $24,800 (30 million won) if convicted for “attempted” violation of the Development of Inter-Korean Relations Act, after he openly flouted the law criminalizing many forms of activism against the DPRK. It remains unclear how many of the leaflets he launched in April 2021 successfully reached the North.

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