North Korean propagandists lampoon Yoon Suk-yeol with caricatures and cartoons | NK News
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February 24, 2025

North Korean propagandists lampoon Yoon Suk-yeol with caricatures and cartoons

Satire criticizing conservative presidential candidate references major scandals and targets DPRK sympathizers

As one of the prime contenders to become South Korea’s next president, Yoon Suk-yeol of the People Power Party (PPP) has pledged to steer domestic and inter-Korean policy in a more conservative direction, and as usual, North Korean propagandists have taken notice.

In outward-facing media, the DPRK has heaped opprobrium on Yoon’s candidacy — not only in written diatribes but in biting satirical cartoons referencing the scandals and controversies that have enveloped his campaign.

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