US builds new radar to detect ballistic, hypersonic missiles from Indo-Pacific | NK News
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US builds new radar to detect ballistic, hypersonic missiles from Indo-Pacific

Completion of radar in Alaska follows recent North Korean missile tests, as US notes ‘rogue’ state targeting it

The U.S. has built a new defense radar in Alaska to protect the country from ballistic and hypersonic missile attacks, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced on Monday, specifically citing threats from a “rogue” state in the region in an apparent reference to North Korea.

The completion of the new Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR) comes around two months after North Korean state media boasted of testing a new hypersonic missile called the Hwasong-8, and after U.S. officials confirmed that China also tested a hypersonic glide vehicle in November – a claim that Beijing denied.

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