Seoul megachurch receives sanctions waiver to resume DPRK hospital construction | NK News
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Seoul megachurch receives sanctions waiver to resume DPRK hospital construction

UN approves request to send over 1,200 items for cardiac hospital, but North Korea COVID-19 restrictions pose hurdle

A South Korean church has received an international sanctions exemption from the U.N. to send more than 1,200 items needed for the long-suspended construction of a cardiac hospital in Pyongyang, the U.N. website showed this week.

The exempted items are “for a project treating severe diseases of vulnerable groups in DPRK through Pyeongyang Cardiac Hospital,” reads the letter by the U.N. Security Council’s 1718 sanctions committee dated Oct. 28. The letter indicates that Yoido Full Gospel Missions Foundation (YGMF), an arm of Yoido Full Gospel Church, should deliver the items within a year, though this may not be possible due to North Korea’s continuing border restrictions.

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