Interview: Past US envoy for DPRK says end-of-war declaration a 'positive step' | NK News
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February 28, 2025

Interview: Past US envoy for DPRK says end-of-war declaration a ‘positive step’

Former Amb. Joseph Yun also tells NK News that declaration is unlikely to weaken US military presence on peninsula

Declaring an end to the Korean War could be a “positive step” to resolve the ongoing deadlock in talks with North Korea, Washington’s former top nuclear negotiator with Pyongyang said in an interview with NK News on Tuesday.

“Does it resolve fundamental issues in the Korean Peninsula? Of course not. Is it a step forward? I think if it's done in a spirit of engagement, with trying to tackle the next problems, yes, it could be a positive step,” said former Ambassador Joseph Yun, who served as special representative for North Korea policy under both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

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