North Koreans suffer amid ‘creeping apathy’ from the world, UN watchdog warns | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Koreans suffer amid ‘creeping apathy’ from the world, UN watchdog warns

Report says sanctions, oppressive border lockdowns push North Koreans to choose between hunger and COVID-19

A top authority on human rights in North Korea says stringent COVID-19 prevention measures and U.N.-imposed sanctions have exacerbated the country’s already dismal human rights situation, according to a draft statement seen by NK News.

Tomás Ojea Quintana, the U.N.’s special rapporteur on human rights in North Korea, says the sanctions regime should be “reviewed and eased when necessary” for humanitarian purposes, while also calling for a “quantitative assessment” of the impact of sanctions on the well-being of North Korean people.

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