North Korea reports no COVID cases as total tested nears 40,000 | NK News
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February 23, 2025

North Korea reports no COVID cases as total tested nears 40,000

Release of latest data follows mask-free military parade, amid apparent confidence in pandemic measures

North Korea tested 1,368 additional people for COVID-19 and found no positive cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported, after the regime held a nighttime military parade on Sept. 9 that highlighted the country’s pandemic response.

In two weekly situation reports published Friday, the WHO said the DPRK administered the tests from Aug. 27 to Sept. 9, bringing the total number of people tested in the country to 39,342 and the total samples collected to 78,410. Those tested in the latest rounds included 224 people with flu-like illness or respiratory infections and 1,144 health care workers.

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