Seoul-based nonprofit publishes human rights dossiers on 30 North Koreans | NK News
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February 27, 2025

Seoul-based nonprofit publishes human rights dossiers on 30 North Koreans

Reports detail torture, murder, forced abortions in effort to hold DPRK accountable for 'crimes against humanity'

The Seoul-based Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) announced on Thursday that it has published dossiers on 30 North Koreans alleged to have committed human rights abuses in the country, an effort the group claims will “increase accountability for crimes against humanity.”

At a seminar hosted by NKDB in Seoul, the nongovernmental organization said that it assembled the dossiers based on methods such as surveys on 300 defectors who arrived between 2015 and 2019 and in-depth interviews with 30 defectors who are victims or witnesses of human rights violations, or former employees of the North Korean state in the 2010s.

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