North Korea reopens Pyongyang locations to foreigners, easing COVID restrictions | NK News
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February 26, 2025

North Korea reopens Pyongyang locations to foreigners, easing COVID restrictions

Russian embassy reports partial easing of pandemic restrictions in capital amid mass exodus of diplomatic staff

North Korea will allow foreigners to visit 22 locations in Pyongyang that were previously off-limits due to COVID-19 measures, the Russian Embassy in the DPRK said Monday, after waves of diplomats and aid workers left the capital in recent months due to stifling pandemic restrictions.

“The embassy has received a note from the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK notifying us that during the emergency period related to the pandemic another 22 items were added to the list of 299 cultural, sports and entertainment facilities, as well as retail stores and social service point in Pyongyang that can be visited by foreigners,” the Russian Embassy said in a Facebook post.

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