North Korea planning to operate border disinfection complex within weeks: NIS | NK News
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February 26, 2025

North Korea planning to operate border disinfection complex within weeks: NIS

South Korea’s intelligence agency also says DPRK has minimized summer military drills due to extreme heat

North Korea plans to begin operating a disinfection complex under construction near the China-DPRK border sometime this month to resume cross-border trade, a South Korean lawmaker said on Tuesday, relaying information he received from a briefing with the country’s intelligence agency.

NK Pro reported in April this year that the DPRK is turning an airfield in Uiju, near the Chinese border, into a disinfection facility. The latest satellite imagery analysis by NK Pro last week showed that North Korea had restarted construction at the import disinfection complex, suggesting that preparations are underway to resume large-scale trade with China.

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