Even good antivirus apps and the latest software updates can fail to protect a computer from North Korean hackers, cybersecurity firm Volexity’s latest analysis of the malware spread via dailynk.com shows.
So-called watering hole attacks like the DailyNK hack are not as common as phishing attempts via email but are even more insidious, said Tom Uren, senior fellow at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and editor at the information security podcast Risky Business. “In this attack, hackers compromise a website of interest to their targets, then launch attacks at visitors to the site.”
Even good antivirus apps and the latest software updates can fail to protect a computer from North Korean hackers, cybersecurity firm Volexity’s latest analysis of the malware spread via dailynk.com shows.
So-called watering hole attacks like the DailyNK hack are not as common as phishing attempts via email but are even more insidious, said Tom Uren, senior fellow at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and editor at the information security podcast Risky Business. “In this attack, hackers compromise a website of interest to their targets, then launch attacks at visitors to the site.”
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