Help on the way? UNICEF could provide vaccine storage equipment to North Korea | NK News
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February 26, 2025

Help on the way? UNICEF could provide vaccine storage equipment to North Korea

Sanctions exemption extended for UN agency to send millions of dollars of medical and other aid to DPRK

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will have another 12 months to send humanitarian assistance items into North Korea after the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) extended a sanctions exemption for the organization, the UNSC 1718 Sanctions Committee website showed on Friday. 

The items, worth $4.42 million, were initially approved by the UNSC in June 2020. However, the delivery appears not to have been made successfully in the past year, with North Korea’s sustained border lockdown measures severely limiting the shipment of goods and driving all aid workers out of the country

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