Interview: Former top nuclear negotiator says US, DPRK preparing for ‘hardball’ | NK News
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Interview: Former top nuclear negotiator says US, DPRK preparing for ‘hardball’

Kim Sook, who led South Korea delegation at Six-Party Talks, says North Korea “inflexible” and “stubborn” in talks

North Korea will likely return to talks with the U.S., but it is unlikely to present something new and tangible in the near future, South Korea’s former chief nuclear negotiator told NK News.

Speaking in an exclusive interview at this year’s Jeju Forum, former ambassador Kim Sook -- who served as head of the ROK delegation to the Six-Party Talks on North Korea’s nuclear program in 2008, opposite the North’s Kim Kye Kwan and Washington’s Christopher Hill -- said that U.S.-DPRK bilateral talks will likely yield more results right now than six- or four-party talks.

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