Toy guns and puppies: The latest art by North Korea's famed Mansudae Studio | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Toy guns and puppies: The latest art by North Korea’s famed Mansudae Studio

The DPRK's top art studio continues to turn out a mix of propaganda paintings and more lighthearted pieces

Though most of the world is prohibited from doing business with North Korea's Mansudae Art Studio due to U.N. sanctions, that hasn't stopped the country's top atelier from turning out timely art promoting both state propaganda as well as more lighthearted projects by its artists.

This week, the state-run Korean Central Television (KCTV) showed off Mansudae's latest works, once again displaying a wide range of art styles and subject matter in a program called "Breathtaking artistic works of the generation (시대의 숨결이 맥박치는 미술작품들 – 만수대창작사 미술전시회장)."

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