North Korea in regular contact about COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Gavi says | NK News
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February 24, 2025

North Korea in regular contact about COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Gavi says

North Korea’s Ministry of Public Health consulting with international agencies, according to spokesperson

North Korea is in touch with various international organizations regarding its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Gavi, a global vaccine alliance that has helped allocate 1.7 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to the country.

Earlier this week, a CNN report quoted an anonymous senior U.S. administration official, who said that North Korea “has refused to cooperate with COVAX,” referring to a global COVID-19 vaccine support initiative co-led by Gavi. However, Gavi refuted the claim in its response to NK News, saying that the North Korean Ministry of Public Health is working on the “technical aspects” required for a COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

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