Activist files criminal complaint against Moon for ‘siding with’ North Korea | NK News
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February 25, 2025

Activist files criminal complaint against Moon for ‘siding with’ North Korea

Defector-activist Park Sang-hak accuses Moon Jae-in of “abusing authority” and “aiding” Pyongyang

Park Sang-hak, a defector-activist whose office was recently raided by police after he claimed to have violated South Korea's new "anti-leaflet law," filed a criminal complaint against South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Thursday for “siding with” North Korea.

In a speech earlier this week, Moon said that it is “undesirable to dampen inter-Korean relations” through activities that break agreements made between the two Koreas and relevant domestic laws, in an apparent reference to the controversial new law. Moon also stressed that “the government has no choice but to strictly enforce" such laws, without referring to a particular person or group.

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