US and South Korea sign military cost-sharing deal after years of heated talks | NK News
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February 24, 2025

US and South Korea sign military cost-sharing deal after years of heated talks

Some analysts say the deal marks a return to a strong U.S.-ROK alliance after contentious negotiations with Trump

After years of contentious military cost-sharing negotiations under former U.S. President Donald Trump, the United States and South Korea signed a deal on Thursday, marking what some say is a return to a stronger U.S.-ROK alliance.

The six-year deal, also known as the 11th Special Measures Agreement (SMA), will require Seoul to proportionally adjust its share of the cost burden according to increases in defense expenditures between 2022 and 2025. These costs are predicted to rise by 6.1% annually. Under the agreement, Seoul will also pay nearly 14% more for 2021 and will not pay any increase for 2020.

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