Yongbyon deal still an option in nuclear talks with North Korea: Seoul official | NK News
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Yongbyon deal still an option in nuclear talks with North Korea: Seoul official

U.S. considering South Korea's positions in DPRK policy review, State Department's Marc Knapper says

South Korea’s top diplomat on Wednesday said that North Korea demolishing its nuclear facilities at Yongbyon for some sanctions relief could still be a “valid” starting point in resuming denuclearization talks between the DPRK and the U.S.

“Washington and Seoul share a common end-goal -- the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula -- but there are many different ideas on how to reach that goal,” Ko Yunju, Director-General for North American Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), said at a virtual seminar hosted by East West Center and Korea Press Foundation. He added that there had been a lot of talk in the government about the need for an interim agreement with North Korea.

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